What is a bond and how can funds from a bond be spent?
A bond proposal is how a public school district asks its community for authorization to borrow money to pay for capital expenditures. Voter-approved bond funds can be spent on new construction, additions, remodeling, site improvements, athletic facilities, playgrounds, furnishings, equipment, buses, and technology. Funds raised cannot be used on operational expenses such as employee salaries and benefits, school supplies, or textbooks. Bond funds must be kept separate from operating funds and must be audited by an independent auditing firm.
When do we vote?
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 between 7am & 8pm
Where do we vote?
Vote in your usual polling location for local, state, and national elections. Visit
www.michigan.gov/vote to locate your polling place or to register to vote.
Who can vote?
Any registered voter who lives in the Godwin Heights Public Schools District.
Absentee Voting
Visit www.michigan.gov/vote to request an absentee ballot or
ask for one at your City or County Clerk's office.
The last day to register to vote in this election is April 20, 2020.