Title I
Currently, all Godwin Heights Public Schools qualify to receive federal funds for Title I, Part A programs. The district must submit an application describing the school district, what their needs are and how the funding will be used to help students succeed. The needs of the students are assessed and a Title I plan is devised. Teachers and Instructional Support Staff implement programs that aid in the achievement of students. The support staff may work individually or in a group setting depending on the program. All Title I staff are highly qualified as required by law.
The Title I program is intended to provide supplemental support in areas of core instruction. The district spends federal resources in ways the school improvement team determines in order to make improvements. School teams work together as a whole staff to address the needs of students in an integrated way.
All Title I staff are highly qualified as required by law, and at any time, parents have the right to request information in regards to the qualification of our staff.
If you have any questions concerning Title I, please contact Mary Lang at 616.252.2030.