Board of Education » Board Home

Board Home

Godwin Heights Public Schools is guided by a seven-member Board of Education, which is responsible for the education of all children attending the school district. Members are elected to the Board by all registered voters living within the district's boundaries. Board members serve six-year terms without compensation and may be re-elected.

The Board meets twice a month to consider, discuss and determine the direction Godwin Heights Public Schools will take in a range of areas. School Board members establish guidelines concerning organization, general policies, and major plans and procedures for the school district.

The district envisions a school system in which the Board, administration, faculty, and staff will:


- Establish a foundation where all students acquire knowledge and the process of learning;

- Actively involve and support all students in meaningful learning;

- Have high academic, social, and moral expectations for all students;

- Work collaboratively with students, staff, parents, and community.